About Endodontics

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More On Endodontics

Abscessed Teeth
Endodontic Surgery
Internal Bleaching
Post & Core
Pulpotomy Pulpectomy
Root Canal
Tooth Enamel Erosion
The dental treatments relating to the roots and soft matter below the tooth are covered under Endodontics. It is the branch of dentistry which is concerned with the morphology, physiology and pathology of the human dental pulp and periradicular tissues. It is one of the eight recognized specialties in dentistry. An Endodontist is a dentist who puts in additional number of years doing Masters in the specialized branch of Endodontics. Most often those who practice endodontics spend most of their time doing complicated root canals, and other endodontic procedures. Some trained general dentists who have not actually specialized in advanced endodontics may also perform a root canal therapy in India. The root canal cost in India is much cheaper with best quality India Dental Clinic than what you find in most countries doing dental tourism.

About Endodontic Treatment, Root Canal Endodontic Treatment, Endodontic Professional Dentist Indiaone time or the other most people find themselves in a situation to undergo root canal treatment for one reason or the other. Root canals are required when the pulpy portion of the tooth in the roots become diseased. The surface of the tooth may still be healthy, but the roots are no longer so. The dentist specializing in endodontics extracts diseased pulp from below the tooth by drilling through the tooth. If only one root is affected, a dentist may do a root canal. However, if more than one root requires cleaning out and pulp extraction, the endodontist, may be called in to perform what will be a longer and more complicated root canal. It can sometimes be difficult to wait for a dentist specializing in endodontics, since death or infection of the pulp is usually quite painful.

The dentists with India Dental Clinics provide many other specialty dental treatments by visiting consultants. It should be noted that most patients who receive root canal treatment may or may not return to the endodontist for the final course of treatment on the affected tooth. Most endodontics specialists put a temporary filling in the hollowed out roots. Teeth that require a root canal then usually require a crown. The dentists with Endodontic specialty do not necessarily limit their practice to performing root canals. Many undergo Implantology training and routinely perform dental implants with ease. They also perform endodontic procedures like Apical Microsurgery, Apexification, Apexogenesis, draining abscesses, teeth whitening of discolored dentin and enamel, and Pulpotomy & Pulpectomy in pediatric dental care, etc. Endodontist strive to base their treatment in evidence-based dentistry, using latest technology like Microscope, X-rays, etc. Ultimately, endodontic procedures are aimed at saving natural teeth, instead of resorting to extractions which goes on to prove more expensive when needing treatments like crown, bridge, or implant overdenture. All Endodontist are trained to perform the following procedures as their scope of dental care practice:

Intentional Replantation
Endodontic Surgery
Internal Bleaching
Root Canal Therapy
Teeth Contouring
Abscessed Teeth
Dental Erosion
Post & Core
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