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The India Dental Clinic promotions by cosmetic dentists in India feel Porcelain Veneers/Dental Laminates are increasingly becoming the foremost in dental care demand when it comes to cosmetic dentistry in India.  These dental (tooth) veneers provide a long lasting solution in the esthetics of smile in comparison to home or professional teeth whitening that stays for shorter duration. To be a good candidate for porcelain veneers surgery in dental smile makeovers in India, the patient’s teeth must have no tooth decay or gum disease.

India Dental Clinic components provide the most affordable solution in this conservative restoration at dental clinics in India. Tooth  Veneers are made of very thin shells like porcelain/ceramic material. Ceramic Veneers are typically a type of indirect dental restoration. This means that at tooth veneers surgery in India the dentist makes an impression of the patient’s teeth and a technician in a dental laboratory in India uses the impression to make the veneers. Veneers are made to fit over the front side of a patient’s teeth and look like natural teeth. A tiny amount of enamel is generally removed to make room for the veneers, so the process is not reversible. Porcelain Laminate Veneer does not necessitate the use of a local anesthetic. However, for those patients that are particularly sensitive or anxious, a local anesthetic is used at dental centers in India.

Dental Veneers procedure at India Dental Clinic normally requires two sessions to complete.  It is only in certain specific situations, like total smile designing, which may include cosmetic gum contouring that more visits to the cosmetic dental clinic in India would be required. The first session involves removing a thin layer of enamel after which an impression is made and sent to a laboratory to fabricate the “perfect tooth” veneer. Typically veneers are designed by a dental technician, working from a model of the patient's teeth provided by the treating cosmetic dentist. A temporary restoration is made for the patient at this visit to dental veneers surgery India, which gives a glimpse into the end product. On the second visit, after about 5-7 days, the veneer is cemented permanently onto the existing tooth surface using a bonding light to harden the resin adhesive cement. The excess cement is then removed and the veneer is polished for a lustrous surface.

It may be noted that between the two visits to dental veneers specialist India, preparation and final insertion, you can expect some tooth sensitivity to hot and cold. This is normal and is due to the removal of a small portion of the enamel covering of the tooth. This sensitivity should disappear after the placement of your Dental Laminate. Veneers generally require no special care. However, they can chip, fracture, peel or fall off if you suffer from bruxism.

The Veneers successfully address many situations like tooth enamel erosion, severe stained teeth, diastema (gap) closure, chipped tooth, and mildly crooked teeth. They may be made from porcelain, ceramic or composite resin materials.

Composite Veneers in India dentistry, as opposed to porcelain veneers, are made of composite resin materials and are much cheaper. They also have shorter life span and are more susceptible to getting chipped when biting hard foods or nuts. Composite veneers, also called bonding veneers, can be placed in your single dental care visit to most of the dental treatment clinics during dental tour to India.


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